
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rotate your own banners on your blog or site or social network profile

Banners on your blog or website need to refresh and change so that visitors don't keep seeing the same one all the time. If you are displaying your banners on a social network such as Yuwie, you really don't want to get too blatant and have too many of them, or you'll get your profile shut down for abuse of TOS. The answer is to rotate your banners.

What's the best way to rotate banners on your blog, website, profile or traffic exchange? Use a banner rotator, of course!

My preferred rotator is Banner Keyring. Free members get 3 "keyrings" or rotators, with 5 banners each, plus basic statistics (number of clicks, number of times each banner was displayed). Premium members get unlimited keyrings and banners and really excellent statistics, as well as other goodies.

Set up all your banners here, then display them using your Banner Keyring codes which look just like the codes you would use for an individual banner. Most traffic exchanges have no problem with Banner Keyring banners.

If you change your mind about which banners you want to use in your promotions, simply change them in one place, at Banner Keyring, and that will be reflected everywhere that you display your banners.

Click here to check it out now for free.


Iago de Otto said...

Hi, Carol.

I see that you also have left comments on The Lucky Ten. In my second-to-last-comment posted on TLT, I say: "Damn! I hate when I don't catch my typos. And I'm supposed to be an editor and all . . . but it's not nice to hate."

And on your second-to-last-comment on that same post, you say: "omg, I misspelled 'here'"

I thought that was pretty funny, so I also thought to pay you a visit, and lo and behold I find some very good advice on rotating banners, a good kick in the brainbutt reminder for me. I actually believe that I registered for Banner Keyring not too long ago, but if it turns out that I didn't, I will then do so under you. As well, I am going to put your blog link on my Chaos Chasm II weblog. In fact, I will list all of blog links in one (or maybe more) posting and do my best to log some content around them. Okay, gotta go. I mean, after all, I am at work now; so, I gotta go edit something.

Carol, cheers, and be talking to you.

Yours in good faith,
Iago (not his real name)

CarolW44 said...

Hey Iago, I had fun looking at chaos chasm.

Yeah, that was funny with the mis-spellings!

Thanks for your comment.